It Is Time To Unite To Protect Israel: We Implore the U.S. Government to Immediately Step Up and Send Significant Resources
Author: Amiel Aviman
Date: October 11, 2023

In an unprecedented assault launched from the Palestinian enclave of Gaza on Saturday, Hamas militants brutally stormed into Israeli towns, leaving thousands of people dead and injured, escaping with innocent hostages, from young children to our respected elders, in the deadliest day for Israel since the 1973 war.

These are crimes against HUMANITY not just the Jewish people, and these are crimes with have been documented and promoted by the terrorists who are determined to capture, torture, kill and otherwise destroy the State of Israel and Jews around the world.

There is no diplomatic solution; the era of reasoning with these savages is over. We must obliterate the Hamas terrorists’ infrastructure to save lives now, and to ensure such horrors are never committed again.

None of us wish for innocent civilians lives to be destroyed but given the savagery – from killing children in front of their parents, to raping, torturing, and killing women, to kidnapping elderly people, to burning people alive, and gunning down hundreds of young people at a peace concert leaves us no moral choice but to do what is necessary.

What’s important now is the international community show its solidarity with Israel. The condemnation of Hamas needs to continue until they end this violent terrorist activity against the Israeli people and all of humanity.

Peace is still possible after this crisis ends, and we will continue to keep the faith that we can do everything we can to co-exist with all of Israel’s neighbors.

But now – now is the time for Americans to rally – to gather – to contact their elected officials – and to stand up in the hundreds of millions for democracy, for the innocents, and for humanity.

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