by Matthew Vulpis | Nov 28, 2023 | Philanthropy
As the world turns the calendar page from November to December, citizens everywhere shift their holiday focus from the season of thankfulness to the season of giving. Encompassing holidays such as Chanukah, Christmas, Boxing Day, and Kwanaza, the giving season is...
by Matthew Vulpis | Jul 18, 2023 | Member Spotlight
Elior Peles, respected researcher, teacher, and author, was one of the early Members of the Genesis Business Humanity Club and is a perfect example of what makes our global group different and effective. As founder and leader of the Peles Lab at the Weizmann Institute...
by Matthew Vulpis | Jul 18, 2023 | Member Spotlight
With cloud growth surging, the impact of Generative AI, and the future of quantum computing growing closer to reality, hyperscale data centers are under pressure to support real time computing at a scale many could never have imagined. The cloud computing market value...
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